Inside Edition - February 2025
Inside Edition interviewed Valen on the passing of actress Michelle Trachtenberg, who had received a liver transplant. It’s hard to understand what someone is going through unless you’ve walked in their shoes, and Valen commends and appreciates Inside Edition for being the only national news outlet to include the perspective of another transplant recipient. Valen took the opportunity to focus on encouraging kindness and empathy by providing education and insight as a fellow transplant recipient. May we honor Michelle’s journey by continuing to foster understanding, humanize health struggles, and lead with compassion, remembering that behind every health battle is a person simply doing their best.
Yahoo News / Boston 25 News – June 2022
Boston 25 News interviewed Valen prior to her co-moderating a symposium at the American Transplant Congress. They discussed her upcoming 20-year kidney transplant anniversary, the great need for organ donors and her mission to serve as a resource and inspiration for the transplant community in her role with Thermo Fisher Scientific. This interview then got picked up by Yahoo News!
KPIX 5 CBS San Francisco – November 2021
KPIX 5 interviewed Valen about the National Kidney Foundation’s 33rd Annual Authors Luncheon in which Valen was selected to be one of the featured “Mission Moments” during the main event.
ABC10 News Interview – August 2021
Valen is interviewed on ABC10 News alongside Dr. Dorry Segev, Johns Hopkins transplant surgeon and lead author of the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Vaccine Study that Valen is participating in. Based on its findings, the FDA was able to approve a third dose for those who are immunocompromised. Valen shares her firsthand experience getting a third COVID vaccine and what it feels like to be immunosuppressed during COVID. Dr. Segev does an amazing job providing education on booster shots and the importance of getting the vaccine and wearing masks.
ABC10 News Interview 2021
Valen is interviewed alongside Dr. Dorry Segev, Johns Hopkins transplant surgeon and lead author of the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Vaccine Study that Valen is participating in. Dr. Segev shares the results of the study that even with both doses of the vaccine a transplant patient does not have the immune response to ease up on safety measures. Valen shares the patient perspective and how she trusts science and that the transplant community deserves to return to some form of normalcy and have the opportunity to live life to the fullest just as much as anybody else.
KSDK News 5 On Your Side St. Louis 2021
Valen and her liver transplant surgeon, Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, are interviewed together by KSDK News. In this special interview, they share their thoughts surrounding the results from the Johns Hopkins research study, Valen's post second COVID vaccine antibody results and how many in the transplant community may need to rely on the kindness of others to protect those with suppressed immune systems.
KCRA3 News Interview 2021
In this beautiful news segment, Valen shares her journey as part of Vitalant's and KCRA3's annual blood drive to help educate others of the importance of blood and organ donation. This feel-good interview conveys Valen's gratitude for the gift of life and the power of kindness and helping others.
Good Day Sacramento Interview 2020
In this joy-filled TV interview, Valen and her husband are interviewed by Good Day Sacramento to kick-off the celebration of her 18-year kidney transplant anniversary, to honor her kidney and liver donor during her "Miracle Month," and encourage others to say yes to organ donation.
abc27 Interview 2019
DreamWalk Fashion Show 2019
WHTM interviews Valen Keefer as she was a part of the DreamWalk Fashion Show.
Corks for a Cure 2019
Donate Life Month 2019
Interview on KCRA on 3.31.19 that aired on the nightly news sharing Valen’s transplant story and is helping kick off April being Donate Life Month.
Live interview on KCRA on 3.31.19 when Valen shared her transplant journey and is helping Sierra Donor Services kick off April being Donate Life Month.
Corks for a Cure 2018
Interview on GoodDay Sacramento on 3.3.18 talking about Valen’s connection to PKD and the Corks for a Cure event, raising awareness and funds for PKD, that she help organize.
Roses for Life 2017
Another interview on GoodDay Sacramento on 8.23.17 when Valen planted a red rose bush at the Auburn Recreation Park in honor of her kidney donor and all of those impacted by organ donation to celebrate her 15-year kidney transplant anniversary.
Interview with GoodDay Sacramento on 8.23.17 when Valen planted a red rose bush at the Auburn Recreation Park in honor of her kidney donor and all of those impacted by organ donation to celebrate her 15-year kidney transplant anniversary.
PKD Awareness Day 2015
Interview with 8 News Now Las Vegas news station on how we were raising awareness of PKD on our family vacation in honor of PKD Awareness Day.
Donate Life Float 2015
KCRA and CBS13 interview on December 26, 2014, when Valen was interviewed at the Sacramento International Airport before departing to Pasadena, CA with a group of volunteers from Sierra Donor Services. They were on their way to Pasadena to help decorate the Donate Life Float for the 2015 Tournament of Roses Parade. Valen is a 2011 alumni Donate Life Float rider who helped to decorate the Donate Life Float for the 2011, 2012 and 2015 Rose Parade:
Renal Education Seminar 2010